The warm water ejection at Hadera`s power plant attracts dozens of Dusky and Snadbar sharks, each year, in growing numbers, between November and March.
It is a unique phenomenon being investigated by the Morris-Kahn Marine Research Station in Haifa University.
The dive is both unique and challenging. A combination of elaborate conditions and powerful breath taking nature.

Photography by Eyal Almakias
Old Caesarea Diving Center, with bountiful experience, ample resources, and close proximity, is now promoting publicly open guided dives, from a boat, in the “Stream of Sharks” site.
This allows for
— Quick, comfortable and safe getting organized and equipped in the Dive Center.
— Exit with the boat for the dive.
— Hot tea on the boat.
— Another dive in a different site.
— Return to the Dive Center for a hot shower.
We offer a package deal which includes 2 dives from the boat:
1. The first in the Stream of Sharks dive site.
2. The second – open for choice:
The Northern Island >
The Towers (entrance to the Herodian port) >
Or any of our other sites >
In this dive, divers to instructors ratio is 2 divers per 1 instructor at most (due to the complexity of the site).
Special requirements:
Apart from Israeli diving regulations usual requirements (certificate, log, and insurance), some experience is required :
— at least 30 logged dives.
— at least 2 Mediterranean seashore dives \ similar dive sites in the world.
Regardless of the conditions above — The Dive Center’s dives director and leading instructor of the dive – reserve the right not to accept any diver to the shark dive – at their discretion.
2 Guided dives from the boat, including full gear – 650 ILS per person.
2 Guided dives from the boat, including tanks and weights – 560 ILS per person.
Dives depart daily — depending on the number of divers and sea conditions.